New Providence Classical School - Nassau, Bahamas

1 Review
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New Providence Classical School
57 Jerome Avenue, Nassau, Bahamas
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New Provicence Classical School
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In August, 2014, I enrolled my child and paid $ 2,000 for one term to Andrea Kelly, principal of New Providence Classical School, Jerome Avenue. My child only remained there for (1) one week.

In fairness to all parties, Andrea Kelly should have only taken out for the one (1) week that the child was in the school and refund the rest to the parent.But, Andrea Kelly refused to give me any of my money back.

On the School List of Fees, Andrea Kelly states that Books cost $475. But what she doesn't disclose is that the books are used and recycled. If this had been disclosed, I would NEVER have paid for my child to attend this school.The books are not owned by the students. The books are owned by the school.

I took Andrea Kelly to court. She did not show up. Her lawyer did not show up. But, the magistrate, Derence Rolle, ruled in her favor. Can you believe this? It is similar to being in the boxing ring by yourself. Your opponent does NOT show up but still WINS!!! The referee rules in your opponent's favor!! A TKO (Total Knock Out).

Obviously, based on this abnormal court ruling, Andrea Kelly must always get away with taking advantage of people. That's why she didn't even bother to show up in court!! She already knew the magistrate would rule in her favor. Since Andrea Kelly, nor her lawyer didn't show up, the magistrate should have ruled in my favor or adjourned the case. But Andrea Kelly won the case!!! Have you ever heard any nonsense like this?

I learned after the case that my lawyer, Alpin Russell, knows Andrea Kelly. So if he had informed me of this,it would have allowed me to get another lawyer who would have fought for my justice. Therefore he never disclosed that he knew Andrea Kelly.

I learned a lesson from this.... NEVER send your child to these small unknown schools that are popping up everywhere and the justice system works for CROOKS like Andrea Kelly.

I hope no other parent has to experience this because this was total injustice by Andrea Kelly, principal of New Providence Classical School.

Andrea Kelly states on her website that her school is Christ-centered.

But Andrea Kelly, you taking away my entire $2,000, is VERY EVIL and NOT Christ-like.
Why did you remove your child, beside the cost of the books?

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